Global Trends in Chinese Real Estate Investment

May 2, 2017

The Chinese government has loosened capital restrictions, causing the country’s wealthy individuals and companies to move more money overseas. They are looking for better returns elsewhere around the globe. Chinese purchases of residential properties have increased from $11.2 billion in 2010 to $28.6 billion in 2015 (33,000 homes).

So, where are Chinese investors buying?


The United States real estate market has become a preferred destination for Chinese capital.

Across the U.S., Chinese buyers are primarily buying in California (35%), Washington (8%), New York (7%), Massachusetts (6%), Texas (4%), Illinois (4%), Hawaii (3%), New Jersey (3%), North Carolina (3%), and Florida (3%).

Chinese investors have also been particularly active in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada, among others.


Australia, Sydney, and Melbourne are magnets for investment, with their developed real estate markets and proximity to China. In Canada, investment has largely been concentrated in Vancouver, although that trend is changing with some accelerated levels of investing in Toronto and other cities. In the UK, London is the primary target for investment.

Market Your Property or Listing to Chinese Investors

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting premier properties and listings from around the world to be included in our inaugural Summer Portfolio Sale this summer. We invite luxury sellers and agents to submit luxury properties now or learn more.

This is our first portfolio auction in Asia and our second in the past 12 months. The properties will be marketed in partnership with media powerhouses The Wall Street Journal and Mansion Global.

We felt the timing was right to tailor our platform to an influential economy like China — not only the world’s most populous country, but also a major source of foreign investment in the United States and around the globe.

How to Submit Your Property or Listing

Now is the time to market luxury homes to Chinese investors.

While every country is different, the appeal of unique, luxury real estate transcends the miles. It’s thrilling to enhance our network to this region and present global and Chinese investors with some of the best real estate opportunities available for sale in the world.

To find out more about how your property or listing could be considered for the Summer Portfolio Sale, call + You may also visit to download full details, including the timeline, exposure, and outreach plan for the sale, as well as a white paper on Chinese real estate investment.

If you are a seller or agent with a luxury property that you would like marketed to Chinese investors, submit your property. Space is limited.