Bidding Started On:
December 14, 2018 at 5:00 PM EST
SOLD | $1.204M
DescriptionEscape to Atlantis House, a hilltop villa offering a host of possibilities limited only by your imagination. The bright, contemporary, open-plan interior awaits your vision of West Indies luxury. Host local friends for an al fresco cocktail party overlooking the sea or an informal pool party. Private quarters make it easy to entertain guests from afar with a trip of a lifetime. Spend tranquil days on the boat, explore the local culture and natural sights, or kick back and observe island life from your terrace. 藏身于亚特兰蒂斯之家(Atlantis House),这座如世外桃源般的山顶别墅可以满足您的一切美好幻想。室内明亮开阔、现代气息十足,等待着您在此观赏西印度群岛的奢华美景。举办一场俯瞰浩瀚海景的户外鸡尾酒派对,或非正式泳池派对来招待当地的朋友。将远到而来的客人安置到私人住宿区,为他们留下一生难忘的旅程回忆。在船上度过平和宁静的时光,探索当地文化和自然景观,或者在露台上休憩放松,观察岛上的生物。 中介商佣金2% | 开标激励12% | 买家附加费12%
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