Bidding Started On:
June 26, 2018 at 5:00 PM EDT
SOLD | $3.864M
DescriptionAs soon as you pull up to the wrought iron gated entrance of 4890 Serene Shores Drive, you’ll immediately realize that this 26,797 square foot manor is truly unlike any place you’ve ever seen. Hardwoods, crown molding, sparkling chandeliers, and unparalleled craftsmanship come together to create a true southern paradise. Enjoy the beautiful weather year-round on your expansive patio, splashing in your pool, lounging in your hot tub, serving on your tennis court, or taking your boat out from one of your multiple docks located on Lake Lanier to soak up the sunshine. Thanks to a private guesthouse and apartment and land for more additions, there’s a plethora of space for friends and family to feel like home. Why make the drive when you could land a helicopter in the space in your backyard (with permit approval)? With multiple kitchens, a theater room, and game room, you’ll find your heaven on Earth at this 6-bedroom haven. 驾车停在4890 Serene Shores Drive的锻铁大门前,您将立刻意识到这座26,797平方英尺的庄园与您见过的任何地方都有所不同。硬木、顶冠饰条、闪闪发光的吊灯以及无与伦比的工艺共同缔造出真正的南部天堂。在开阔的露台上感受全年舒适宜人的天气,在泳池中畅游一番,泡在热水浴缸中放松身心,在网球场上享受挥拍的乐趣,或从拉尼尔湖的多个码头出发,泛舟湖上,尽情沐浴阳光。这里设有私人客宅和公寓以及可安装更多设施的土地,因此有足够的空间让亲朋好友享受家一般的幸福感。如果可以乘坐直升飞机直抵后院(需经许可批准),何必再驾车前往?这间6卧室庄园配有多间厨房、剧院和游戏室,让您宛如置身人间天堂。 中介商佣金3% | 开标激励12% | 买家附加费12%或17.5万欧元(以较高者为准)
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